
First Weigh In

It snowed like you wouldn't believe last night. Actually it is still snowing. Several feet are expected from this storm. It's truly beautiful.

I woke up this morning and thought I maybe would have to hit the later Weight Watchers meeting because of the snow. As I lay there procrastinating I heard the plow go by. So off I went. I cannot believe how many people were there regardless of the snow!

Official weigh in: 174. So I lost 1.6 pounds. I'm sure it would have been more if I hadn't gone off program and had a couple of drinks as well as cheese fondue last night. Oh well. 1.6 is right on target. If I lose 1 pound a week I will be at my goal by Summer.

I've decided that Saturday is my free day. I know WW doesn't have a free day, but I do. I don't plan on going crazy, but I do want to be able to have a few of the things I haven't been eating because they aren't on Core. Like Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast. We've got several parties tonight and I just don't want to be worrying about every little thing. We'll see how this strategy works. If I still lose a pound or more by next Saturday I'll keep my free day. If not, I'll re-evaluate.

Happy Snow Day!


A Week in the Life

So I did make it to Weight Watchers yesterday, barely. We woke up to one heck of a snowstorm. It is about time! I weighed in at 175.4. About what I figured. So my first goal is 6 lbs. for December. I want to be 169.4 on January 1st. Too ambitious for the holidays? I don't think so. It's just of matter of priority, and right now, decluttering my body is right up at the top.
This week has been filled with the mundane: school, work, karate, homework, cleaning, carpooling, etc. I finally got going and painted my kitchen ceiling yesterday. I took M and got some Christmas shopping done. Today I painted one coat of the yellow I am painting the walls. Already it looks so bright and happy. I know I'm going to love it. I moved some shelves downstairs to put the games in. My plan is to have one of my chrome restaurant style racks full of only dishes. I want to start using "the good stuff" all the time. Why the heck not?
R took the boys out sledding yesterday. It was quite a storm and they had a great time. I think I will take them out again tomorrow after school.
We went to dinner with some close friends that I just adore. Neither of us could find a sitter, so we loaded up the boys (they have 2 as well) and headed to a local pizza joint. It was a little crazy, but also fun. Sometimes I get a kick out of the madness that can be family life. I was proud of us, especially of R, for just going with the flow and having a good time. We went back to there house and just talked and enjoyed each others company. I had a really great time.
Today we decorated the Christmas tree. It looks really pretty. Every year I want to buy a new pre-lit tree and I then I can't convince myself to spend the money on it. And the past few years I have wanted to change my ornaments, but I just don't have the cash. Then I get it decorated and it looks so pretty that I don't really mind.
I'm sitting at the kitchen table overlooking the valley all blanketed with snow. The valley is clear (a rarity these days) and you can see all the way to the Great Salt Lake. The pine trees in my backyard are covered with snow and icicles. You really couldn't plan a prettier picture. It's moments like this that I am filled with gratitude and awe. It's these moments I need to remember when I'm frazzled and focusing on the problems.
I have just planned M birthday party and e-mailed to reserve a spot at the Utah Museum of Natural History. He wants to do a Super Sleuths party. It should be really fun. I've also designed our New Year's party invitations. I'm feeling a little more in control now. December is always a hectic month for me. Besides the normal Christmas craziness I also get to plan a New Year's party for a huge crowd, 2 birthday parties for my kiddos, come up with gifts for kiddos 2 weeks after Christmas as well as a gift for my mother, and plan spotlights for my kids at school. If I don't get a start early, I'm doomed. So I'm glad to have completed a few tasks.
So here's to another fabulous week!