I have really really expensive taste in shoes. More than I ever realized. We went to Macy's (yes I know there are Macy's everywhere, including right here in good old SLC, but the shoe department, as well as the ambiance of the Macy's in downtown Philly is truly a-may-zing) and we looked at shoes, and we tried on shoes, and thanks to my wonderful mother's generosity we actually bought shoes. I narrowed it down to the shoes above.
Aren't they all fantastic?! After much deliberation I ended up with the Marc Fisher sandals, but in dark brown. Practical yet saucy. The Calvin Klein gray peep-toe's were a close second. But what I really really really wanted was so incredibly far out of possible range of choices. Now don't get me wrong, I am certainly not one to complain about getting a FREE PAIR OF SHOES. I mean, hi, do I look crazy? I luuuurrrrvvveee shoes. More than anything. Give me a closet full of jeans, black and/or white shirts and a kajillion million billion shoes and I'm good. I'm more than good, I'm in Nirvana. There is no greater bliss. Yes, I know, how incredibly consumerist of me. I'm trying, but I think shoe love is in my blood. Even my brother has more shoes than most women. Maybe it's because shoes look good and fit no matter what. But I digress. The object of my affection? OK, let's call it by what it really is, lust. Unbridled lust. Well, here they are in all their perfectness.

I have not faced a quandry quite like this regarding a clothing purchase since my early 20s. I'm a little freaked out. But damn, I love those shoes.