
Living Green

I've been thinking about the quality of our life. There are so many ways we can enrich our lives, but one of the most important is living as sustainably as possible.

Here are some ways I try to live a bit "greener":

1. Garden-the last few years we have had a container garden. This year I am expanding to a bed that we cleared out last fall. I've decided that I need to raise it a bit, so this weekend I am going to head to the Home Depot and construct some simple raised bed forms out of 1x6 lumber and L brackets. Then we can fill them in with compost and garden soil. I'm anxious to get some stuff planted. Later this summer I am planning to lose the lawn and add some raised beds there as well.

2. Buy Used-I have a confession to make. I love our local Deseret Industries. You can find the coolest stuff for pennies. Truly. I bet 75% of our purchases come from there. I buy books, clothes, dishes, furniture, appliances, picture frames, decor, you name it. M thinks it just common sense. Why pay 10 times as much for things? Obviously, there are limits to what you can, and should buy used. I don't buy shoes or underwear or bedding. Sometimes convenience or quality or having the latest technology means new is the way to go. But for so many things it just makes sense financially and environmentally to buy used. I find it quite satisfying to find something like a perfect condition North Face coat, size 12, for $6. In a few years, M will be excited to have such a great coat, and I'll be excited I only paid $6 instead of over $1000

These are just 2 of my favorite ways to live a little lighter on the earth. More posts on this important subject to come.

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