
School has Started!!!

Well, Summer is over. It's official and I'm having mixed feelings.

M started back Monday. He likes his teacher so far. He isn't too stoked on who is in his class this year, but is old enough to realize that it doesn't change who he chooses to play with at recess. I peeked in yesterday and they were doing yoga after working on their reading. His teacher is an old hippie. I think we are going to get a long just fine. He is walking most of the way with some friends which makes him feel so grown up and simplifies mornings. And dad can leave for work whenever he wants without making us all crazy because he doesn't want to be late. But homework, oh the dreaded homework. Finishing his Summer Math packet was P-U-R-E H-E-L-L!!!! I have rarely disliked my own child sooo much. I'm positive the sentiment was exactly the same on his end. NOT FUN! But it's done. And so, I have instituted a few new rules at our house. I hate rules, because I have to enforce them, and because I hate following them myself. But sometimes I see the necessary in their evil. So #1 No TV or Playstation until after homework. I'm not going to nag, but it's his choice to miss those activities if he procrastinates all day and evening. And #2 We are going to do something each day even if he doesn't have an assignment due. We are renaming homework time, enrichment time instead. So at a minimum he needs to go over his math flashcards with me once and read for 20 minutes and practice his handwriting for 10 minutes. Did he love that yesterday. Oh, no. No he did not. But he did it. And I think he'll get used to it. My goal for him this year is to learn to work, and perservere, and quit being a lazy, whiny, you know what.

Poor Z, he doesn't start for a week. And he has decided he is ready! He asks everyday if today is finally the day. We had a picnic in the park with his classmates yesterday and his new teacher. It was great. His teacher is really just the most perfect Kindergarten teacher ever. I am really excited for him. I'm sure I'll tear up on his first day, but for now, I can't wait for him to go too.
I have volunteered to be copy mom and assignment correcter in M class. For Z I am doing Junior Achievement once a month. I am also considering being the assistant Den Mother for cub scouts. Am I crazy? Obviously, but I think I need to be more involved. So we will see how that goes.
R mentioned hiring someone to do what I've been doing at work with him. Sounds kind of nice, but I hate to pay someone to do it when I am perfectly capable and can find the time. Not sure if he was serious, but I may take him up on it.
M and I are going to visit L and S in Philly at the end of the month. I'm really excited. I'm trying to figure out how long I can leave R with Z without it being really hard, and how long we need to go to see everything I'd like to while we are there. It promises to be interesting, that is for sure.

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