
Sunday Catch-up

Just thought I'd post a few new pics and an update.

Life is good. Spring is in the air (thank goodness!) and my mood is improving. It did snow last night but as I sit here I can see the snow melting away. I love that about Spring, you know it will melt! The forecast looks sunny and warm for the week. I am ready to get these kids outside and moving! Here is a pic of President's Day at our house.

I joined the gym at the beginning of the month. I've been trying to go each morning at 7 am, right after R comes back from his workout. I made it three times last week. I'm determined to go at least 4 this week. Can I see a difference? My clothes do feel better and I've received some very lovely compliments. Have I been following THE WAY? Pretty much. I need to revise THE WAY a bit and really commit. It's sure hard when it is birthday week and the Girl Scouts are selling those damn cookies!

I've been quite busy this week, in a good way. Tuesday I ran into my friend L at Target. Always nice to see her. Then I ran into the Long Lost H again. Weird how we didn't see each other for 4 years and now we see each other and have all these mutual friends. Cahraaazy! Wednesday I took Z to the candy factory for a tour with our Mommy Group. Always a good time. I bought 4 marshmallow eggs, ate one and then the dog ate the rest. Oh well. Thursday I took Z to go skating with my friends Piper and Kim. Great fun but I'm sure I picked up a virus there. Then I went to see Michael Pollan speak on his books The Omnivores Dilemma and In Defense of Food. I went with my friends Bridgette and Kevin. Love those guys. Love Michael Pollan! I highly recommend his books. I'm seriously a food geek! Friday night R and I went to a Gala event for the Utah Board of Realtors with Brad, Billy and Dinnie. We had fun but R ticked me off and it kind of threw off my groove. Oh well. At least I got a pretty new dress out of it. Here we are (minus Billy)

Saturday morning I realized I had definitely picked up some sort of virus, but M had a karate belt test. I'm so proud of the kid! He got his orange belt. He has been very dedicated and works hard, so he certainly deserves it!

I spent the rest of the day feeling pretty crappy. I finally took some ibuprofen and felt much better. We went to celebrate our little friend N's 6th birthday last night. We had a lot of fun. I sooo look forward to getting together with our awesome group of friends on the weekends. I've decided I am very social, just not a planner. Plan it, I'll be there. If I have to plan it, I'll stay home and read. Lazy, I know. I need to work on that.
I just finished Louise Hays Heal Your Life. What a great book. Simple and quick but really profound. My next bookclub read is The Good Earth by Pearl Buck. I'm going to really try to read less non-fiction, less self-help and more uplifting fiction. I'm going to have to wait until Summer to tackle some of the deeper books I've been wanting to read. I just don't have the emotional strength right now.
Today R is off at Man Camp with his friends. They hiked up to a yurt and will hike and snowboard or ski all day, stay over in the yurt and come home in the morning. Doesn't sound to fun to me. I'm home with the kids and a nasty cold. But later we are going to see Horton Hears a Who with Family W. Should be fun. I've taken some meds hoping not to sniffle, cough and blow my nose through the movie. I'm just no good at staying home and feeling sorry for myself. I'm going to breeze right through this cold dangit!
Hope all is well with everyone!
Peace Love and Happiness!

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