

I quit my "perfect" job at the Winner School. Why? Because the amount of energy it requires is far more than the benefits. And my dear husband finally realized that a part time job isn't going to change much financially but it certainly does increase the havoc level at our house. So I gathered my gumption and went in a quit. Do they think I'm a flake? Very likely. Does that really matter? Nope. I'm going to finish out this week and then I'll be done. I'm just going to stick with R and help the V Group run smoothly. This summer the monkeys will be in summer camp and I will have time to work and some time to play. Sounds nice.

On another front, somebody out there HATES my front door. I mean really hates it. Enough to send me a very rude anonymous letter stating that I can't possibly think it looks good and I need to repaint it ASAP. All I could say after reading it was "WOW". I will say that my front door is quite bold and I knew when I painted it that it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea. But I cannot fathom that someone out there really thinks that I give a rats ass about their opinion of my door. There are some very deluded people out there with an over abundance of self importance. Oh well. I promptly went out to look for patio furniture to match my front door and found a bunch of sets that have cushions in the exact colors this person seems to think are so awful. Interesting isn't it? I've been saving and have enough to go purchase a set as soon as I can borrow my dad's truck. I'm seriously considering painting the garage door to match!

On the subject of school schedules: Why on earth would they give us last Thursday and Friday off, this Monday off, hold school on Tuesday Wednesday and a short day on Thursday, then have Friday off again? It's maddening.

Tonight is my birthday dinner with some of my girlfriends. Hooray. Turkey sandwiches with Caramel Coffee Cake for dessert. I can't wait!

My dear sister A has not had her baby yet. Making us all crazy with anticipation. I am so excited to have a little nephew. I think it is more fun to have a new baby in the family when you are past the baby phase yourself. When my neice R was born I had a 11 month old and a 4 year old. I don't actually remember much of her as a baby. This time I think I will have a chance to enjoy it. And then in August I will have a new V neice and nephew! How fun!

And finally, I have daffodils! I have tulip leaves (no flowers because unbeknownst to me, deer LOVE tulips and will eat them while you sleep!). I have new green sproutings on my perennials! I love Spring! It is definitely my favorite season. More and more I appreciate the feeling of rebirth and awakening that accompanies Spring. This felt like such a cold, snowy, freezing Winter. Spring reminds you that you will make it through the seasons of your life, literally and figuratively.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that the deer eat your tulips. We have problems with squirels. They won't touch daffodils, but the devour our tulips. Anywho... Angie having her baby feels kind of surreal to me. I'm totally excited, but kind of bummed that I will not be there. I've been around for every other birth in our family and it just kills me that I'll miss this one. I guess I'll see the little guy in the summer, but he'll already be a few months old by then.


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