He reads like you can't believe. He finished all 7 Harry Potter books in less than a year. At school they can take AR tests, which test for comprehension and award the student points based on difficulty of the book and how they do on the test. Harry Potter 6 had something like 45 points, one of the hardest on the list, and he scored 44. Last year he won the award for most AR points. I was really proud of him.
a movie!
Here he is 2 years later in Costa Rica holding some sort of sea creature he found on the beach. He has a lot of anxiety in some areas of his life, yet in others he's really adventurous and brave. You can see by the look on his face how excited, yet freaked out he his. Every time this kid tries something new, I am thrilled. But when he goes for something, he goes full force which can freak me out. It took him several years to work his way up through the roller coaster type rides at Lagoon, but this last year, not only did he ride Wicked, which I think is terrifying, but he jumped on Blast-Off and Re-entry without a second thought, which I refuse to do. He's a nut on his bike, 4 wheeler and snowboard. It's when he isn't in control that his anxiety starts to surface. But he works through it, and when he does I appreciate how strong his spirit is.

He's not much a team sports kid, but he does love individual pursuits, like snowboarding, surfing, and most notably, karate. He's at purple belt, plus he does the tournament team and when he turned 10 he began the leadership training program.
I love this boy ferociously. He knows exactly which buttons to push to make me nuts and can debate the point for hours. He lets his emotions all hang out and you never have to guess where you stand with him or what he thinks about something. I love that. He's terrified/fascinated about aliens, but just can't help looking at alien encounter books at the library. He, being a typical OCD person, worries too much about the things he can't definitively prove or disprove, like said aliens and Big Foot and ghosts. Night time at our house is not nearly as peaceful as I would like. He hates sleeping alone and ends up on our floor many nights.
And yet there is such clarity with him at times. He is the one that will stop and say, "wait a minute here. Let's just all take a deep breath and start over" when things are going terribly wrong between us. And as much as his brother drives him crazy, and as mean as he can be to Zoltar, he will defend him to the end if he thinks anyone else is being mean. He will cuddle with his brother when he is afraid and the few times I have thought Zoltar is lost, it's Mr. Man that freaks out the most. He has always been very spiritual even though we don't spend much time talking about such things around here. He has spent a lot of time thinking about the nature of the Universe already, and has developed his own theory about life after death.
There is so much to this young man that when I stop and think about it I am humbled and deeply gratful that I am the lucky person that gets to be his Mom. He's not only my wonderful boy, he's been one of the greatest teachers I've ever had. And I am proud to say, at least for now, he's also my friend. Love you Mr. Man!
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