At the same time I know I have to start getting ready for school and Winter. It's time to begin harvesting my garden and preserving the excess for later. Planning Fall yard projects. What needs to be done before it gets cold or snows? There are back to school clothing inventories to do, shoes to buy,school supplies to stock-up on backpacks to pick-out. Is there a particular type of clothing or shoes that they feel the just have to have? I need to find out now so I can scope out sales. It's time to start getting the kids back on a more school friendly schedule, earlier to bed, earlier to rise. To start talking about what to expect from this school year. Will there be more homework this year? Times tables and cursive? What about the Kindergartener who needs some extra reassurance about going to school? Are the kids old enough to walk by themselves? Do they want to take school lunch? It's time to think about what may be new and stressful, and start talking about it now.
It's time to start thinking about the upcoming holidays. What should we do over Fall Recess? Do we have any idea what we'd like to be for Halloween and can we start pulling together a costume? Are we traveling for Thanksgiving and need to start looking into airfare or lodging? Or staying home? And it is never to late to start thinking about Christmas. Incidentally, this is a great time to stock-up on art supplies to use as gifts all year round. What kid doesn't love an art kit with brand new fresh crayons, paints, markers and pencils? Great for Christmas as well as birthday parties. And when buying Back-to School clothing, I plan to pick-up a few extra cool T-shirts and sweatshirts, while they are on sale, as gifts for Christmas as well. And why not peruse the clearance rack for clothes for next Summer? It's a great time to grab flip-flops, swimsuits, beach towels, and shorts. Think ahead, who do you know that is pregnant or just had a baby? Can you find any cute summer baby clothes at a huge discount? What about lawn and garden-it's all on clearance now.
This year, I must admit, I didn't really budget to stock-up for next year. I'm trying to decide if I should grab a little from the emergency fund to do so with the plan of replenishing as quickly as possible. In the long run it will save us money. But I hate to see the balance going down.
Today I am going to take a minute to make my Summer list of things we want to do before school starts, ways to maximize these last few days of freedom and schedule a time to do it. Over the next few days I'm going to make a list of what I can do now, bit by bit so as not to canniblize our summer, to prepare for the upcoming months. I'm not going to use up our time running from store to store to stock up. But while we are there, I will certainly stock-up on what is on sale. I'm also going to see what I can do on-line to save time. Most importantly, I'm just going to relax and enjoy the last golden days of Summer!
Ahh...Gina. Always the list maker. I'll never forget all the random lists I used to find lying around the house. It seems like some things never do change. I have to admit, reading your blog today made me feel kind of frenzied. I'm not ready for summer to end either. With Spencer coming home, I finally feel like it is time to begin doing all the fun summer stuff. At least I now know that he is taking a really easy fall semester and should be up for as much fun and play as I can possibly fit into my busy school schedule. That's a first.