I'm feeling like a complete failure. DS#2, otherwise known as Z, is NOT potty trained. Why? No really, I'm asking, WHY!?! I've tried googling late potty training but there really isn't much out there for a freakin' FOUR YEAR OLD!! Everything assumes I'm working with a moderately verbal 2 year old. Well 2 years ago, I was. Everything else is for mentally disabled adults. Maybe that's the theory I need to working with here. Seriously! Changing poopy 4 year old pants is definitely NOT SIMPLE!! Never mind that I'm to the point of getting quite angry every time there is a big old nasty "accident" (is it an accident if he NEVER poops in the potty? I think when he does make it to the throne, THAT is the accident!). Yes, he has pooped on the potty before. 4 times to be exact. I know because I've got the sticker chart to prove it. And if you're wondering, he isn't all that great with #1 either. And to put my frustration in perspective, he can ride a 2 wheeler without training wheels!
So far our strategy has been to hold back on big boy activities until he decides to act like a big boy. Things like playing on the soccer team, taking ski lessons, etc. Doesn't seem to make an impact.
I guess it is time to get back to some serious basics here. I'm going for immediate gratification. Every willing "try" (4 minutes of sitting time required) gets an M&M, every successful pee-pee gets a handful of them. Every poo-poo gets a Hot Wheel, or small tractor, or something of the like. When he gets to 1o successful poo-poos he gets the big John Deere tractor and plow that has been taking up valuable counter space in the bathroom for freaking EVER!
What about "accidents"? Not sure. I have tried taking away TV for accidents. Unfortunately it is really hard to stick to since the rest of the fam wants to watch their Deal or No Deal. I think I am going to remove the upstairs TV and send everyone else downstairs. Then if he has an accident, I can make sure he stays upstairs with me.
The good Dr. suggest I give him a fair amount of mineral oil just before bed for the next 2 weeks to make sure when he wakes up he HAS to go, and it will be easy. To be fair, the little dude is rather on the constipated side. I am going to start that tonight. I just HAVE to remember to make him sit first thing in the morning.
I'm up against the clock here. He starts summer camp in 10 weeks and under no circumstances can he be pooping his pants on any sort of regular basis. So it is time to get down to brass tacks here (whatever the hell that means).
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