My rating: 5 of 5 stars
what a thought provoking book! it really makes you think about how the duality of our existence creates the contrasts that create meaning. life without emotion would be almost pointless! it also makes you think about personal choice and consequences, the lessons to be learned from our mistakes and how having these freedoms inherently means that there will be suffering and life will be very unfair in some regards but it still better than a life where everything is predetermined. very much reminds me of the LDS concept of the two plans presented in the pre-existence. it also had a lot of Christ symbolism, especially in that Jonas was the chosen one to bear the burden for all and the despair and loneliness in being the only one able to understand the human condition in its entirety. I really enjoyed the book. The end wrapped up a little to quickly and vaguely for me, but it certainly left me thinking about our freedom to shape our own life and the what that means for me personally, but more interestingly, what that means for all of mankind. But I still wonder, why didn't baby Gabe sleep? What did he know or what was his ability?
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