

Excess. If I had to sum up in one word the source of my issues the word would be excess. Let's build on my 3 biggest issues, being too fat, in debt and disorganized.

Well it's pretty obvious. Excess calories creates excess body fat. So I've been thinking about where my excess lies. I love fruits, whole grains, and veggies. I could be a most the time vegetarian if the family hadn't completely revolted. I don't generally even eat that much chocolate, though I do LOVE chocolate. I think I am drinking my calories. Starbuck's and alcohol to be specific. After having a big night out recently that went on into the wee hours of the morning I realized I drank at least a 6 pack. If each beer had 200 calories, I easily drank a days worth of calories in beer. Never mind the dinner prior and the late night snack attach that resulted. So I have decided to not drink on the weekdays. I've also decided to quit getting drunk. I feel so cruddy afterwords. Another excess is fast food. Z and I grab lunch out most days. Can't be great for either one of us. So I am also going to say fast food only on Wednesday to Mommy Group and Saturday (for M). And last but not least R and I have decided not to eat after 7 pm unless we are out for something special. That should curb boredom eating.
And to really put a twist on things I told R this morning that I've budgeted $100 for each of us to buy gifts for each other at Christmas. If I haven't lost 10 lbs by Christmas morning my gift goes back the very next day and $100 goes to the Republican Party. I would rather die!!!

Obviously debt is spending in excess of what you earn. I vow to faithfully use my Financial Peace wallet to track all spending. I also vow to use my YNAB spreadsheet to budget and keep myself accountable. No new debt!!!

Clutter is excess stuff or necessary stuff that doesn't have a system. So I am all set up on Flylady and vow to organize and declutter 15 minutes a day. I also vow to not bring home new crap. There are things I want and need. There are millions of things I don't.

So there you have it. I am editing myself. No more excess. Enough is really enough.